Behavioral Interview for HR Professionals and Hiring Managers

  • A virtual job interview leverages video conferencing tool to allow the discussion to take place remotely rather than meeting face-to-face. The hiring manager and candidate will connect online using video software. Conducting virtual interviews is increasingly necessary given the globalization of business and safety considerations arising from pandemic such as Covid-19.
  • Given the average cost of a bad hire can amounts up to 30% of the employees’ first-year earnings, it is crucial for the hiring team members be equipped with the processes and techniques in identifying and selecting the right candidate. Participants attending this program will greatly benefit from the two subject matters namely the process and techniques of Behavioral Interview and conducting the Interview virtually. It is packed with tips, samples, templates, process steps, and good practices that will help participants become effective hiring managers.

Join us:

W.P (Kuala Lumpur) – IDEAS Hotel @ 12 November 2024, 0900 to 1700, 1Day (7 hours)

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