Managing Millennials @ Workplace 

The majority of the organization today have 5 different generations of the workforce working together. The generation Y population, better known as the millennials, has grown and will soon dominate the workforce. This generation brings and shares a new set of values, attitudes, and work styles to the office, which can be unfamiliar within a traditional work environment. There exist points of tension resulting from a lack of understanding about millennials.

Although different generations have different characteristics and values, leaders need to manage them effectively for better engagement and retention. Participants in this program will learn strategies to lead, motivate and retain the millennial workforce. This program will also provide participants with an understanding of this generation’s cultural dynamics, gain insight on how to engage and communicate with them, hence, making the process and experiences more meaningful and effective for both, the leaders and millennials.

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@ ZOOM: 25 May 2021, 0900 to 1230 , 1400 to 1730  (7hours)

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