Managing Stress and Productivity During Crisis

  • Stress is a necessity in life, and sometimes, it can be a good thing. But when there’s too much of it, stress can be a monster. Workplace stress is nothing new. In fact, 1 in 4 employees according to NIOSH report view their job as the No. 1 stressor in their lives. What’s more: three-quarters of employees believe the average worker has more on-the-job stress than a generation ago.  With the Covid 19 pandemic hitting the world, the stress level of employees has greatly increased even for employees whose employment are not affected. This is due to other changes like work from home, having children with schools closed as well as the anxiety over the pandemic. The impact of stress has serious consequences on productivity and, at the end of the day, a company’s bottom line.

  • In this workshop, participants get to reflect and learn some stress management strategy as well as deploying additional productivity tools that will help the keep up with the challenges both at workplace and in personal life..

Join us:

Online -ZOOM @   28 & 29 January 2021, 0900 to 1230 daily. (7 hours)

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