The Art of Influencing and Negotiation Skills

Negotiation is a dialogue between one party with the other or more parties to come to a mutual understanding and resolve the point of differences. While negotiations are often thought to be reserved for top executives and formal boardrooms, we all negotiate all day, every day for some specific or general issues.
There is an art to negotiating effectively, and this is a balance between process and skill.
This program is designed to assist you in becoming a better negotiator. It takes you through the processes and focuses on the key skills required to negotiate effectively with communication, NLP practices, and conflict resolution used as important tools. It is highly interactive, practical, and supportive. We use a variety of different learning approaches to explore the issues raised when negotiating, enabling you to work more effectively.

Join us:
W.P (KL) – Premiera Hotel @ 18 to 19 December 2023, 0900 to 1700 daily. (14 hours)

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